Lorem ipsum adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla lacinia; sapien in volutpat mattis, eros arcu rhoncus erat, iaculis sodales ante massa lobortis arcu. Etiam ullamcorper, libero sed rhoncus adipiscing, ante arcu dignissim urna, quis iaculis quam sapien eu velit. Praesent ut pulvinar lectus.
Donec enim enim, venenatis nec posuere in; dictum id lacus. Quisque vestibulum luctus tortor at vulputate. Maecenas mi augue, vehicula et consectetur ac, vulputate a risus. Pellentesque in feugiat elit. Curabitur sed diam enim. Sed varius faucibus lectus, a scelerisque massa posuere ac. Quisque dapibus, est ac rhoncus tempus, nisl purus posuere urna, accumsan lobortis metus mauris at nibh. Duis ullamcorper adipiscing quam in dapibus. Nulla facilisi. Praesent sagittis commodo lorem, vitae euismod justo venenatis at. Suspendisse et ante dui. Etiam id enim at sem rhoncus sodales commodo et nulla. Donec sed erat dolor, vitae auctor mauris. Suspendisse feugiat mollis ante vitae blandit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis elementum, massa eget sollicitudin egestas, risus diam posuere elit; quis luctus eros velit eget odio. Maecenas at mauris sit amet orci scelerisque adipiscing. Sed tincidunt sollicitudin suscipit. Fusce lobortis sagittis arcu eu volutpat! Ut vitae facilisis nisi. Quisque sodales auctor sem in mollis! Phasellus mi urna, vehicula quis congue et, pellentesque non nisi. Suspendisse pellentesque sollicitudin orci ac condimentum? Sed mollis tempor enim, eu eleifend est molestie vitae. Duis magna dolor, iaculis sed pharetra nec, venenatis vitae dui. Sed eros quam, venenatis a hendrerit nec, vehicula ut diam.
Etiam diam magna; porta sed gravida vel, molestie non lacus. Donec laoreet est vitae enim hendrerit egestas. Vivamus ultricies elementum nisl, in consectetur eros laoreet ut! Donec porttitor venenatis rhoncus. Nunc pretium erat at dui laoreet egestas. Sed sed diam ante! Duis nisi felis, rhoncus id tempor at, fermentum ac metus. Aenean ante tellus, congue volutpat molestie nec, tempor quis purus. Aliquam sollicitudin porttitor ipsum; eu consectetur metus dictum porta. Maecenas imperdiet ornare urna, sed hendrerit odio pharetra a. Curabitur quam mi, pulvinar nec gravida eget, rhoncus vel elit. Maecenas lacinia nulla sit amet eros mollis eu pulvinar magna varius. Praesent sagittis; arcu sed facilisis pharetra, ante urna posuere nulla, at ultrices nisl diam ac dolor. Fusce eu diam turpis. Donec feugiat libero ut lectus consectetur ac consectetur velit eleifend. Curabitur elit nibh, viverra sed tempor eget, commodo eget elit? Aenean odio neque; blandit nec sodales non, consectetur blandit sem.</p><p> Sed tempor eleifend diam, eget vestibulum lectus imperdiet a. Nam interdum nisl a quam aliquet sed molestie nulla ullamcorper! Integer tincidunt dictum nisl, ut congue metus rhoncus fermentum. Cras tempus vestibulum lorem quis sollicitudin. Vestibulum non est vel magna vestibulum gravida a eu arcu. Aliquam sagittis, sapien eget ullamcorper eleifend, tortor arcu luctus elit, eget convallis dui arcu sed purus. Proin a mauris justo. Mauris tortor nisl, tincidunt eu tincidunt nec, interdum eu massa.
the porch like mom's not home me why the best names feel so wrong
somehow they take so long right we were back the third installment in the series where I read my rejected Stanford supplement essays yeah like I said I'd heard a lot from you guys about how you may have gotten rejected
from your top schools and I was definitely in your shoes last year when I got rejected from Stanford but I support a lot of my heart
and soul and a lot of time into these three
supplement essays I pretty much spent a whole month just trying to get all of these essays perfect I believe they
were some of the best essays I wrote honestly I think they were better than my Yale supplements but you know with the college application process it's very random you never
know where you're gonna end up but I felt bad about not sharing
these essays with you guys so today I will be sharing
my third essay and this essay Stanford entitled is what
matters to you so the prompt is literally just what matters to you and why so I chose to write about my family but a very specific aspect of
my family I hope you guys enjoy here you go family is paramount so I buried my
face in his camouflage uniform tears began to roll
down my face he climbed onto the plane and my thoughts shifted to the future I wouldn't see
my father again for a year while he was gone to the war-torn abyss of Baghdad Iraq I looked around at
my four younger siblings and mother they were my responsibility now I didn't realize the importance of family in my
life until I had to cope with the long term absence of my father he
played a pivotal role in the structure and function of my
daily life with the immense stress placed on my mother I had to rise to the occasion my duties
now included babysitting shopping tutoring and driving my younger siblings
to their activities much more was expected of me than most kids my
age especially with the shadow of my father that I attempted to
fill my father's deployments made me value the family dinner table
conversations and marathon road trips I did once endeared I now stayed up late in the night
just to catch a blurry glimpse of my father on a
Skype call I learned during these tough time the
importance of family and how it motivated me to succeed in the classroom and beyond role
modeling and success for my siblings was my charge I
would embrace the opportunity to mop I would embrace the opportunity to apply myself
to work hard at Stanford and continued to model success for my family all
right that is it that concludes my series where I read my rejected Stanford supplement essays that was that was number three that was the what matters to you and why essay once again short and sweet only 250 words but I hope
it gave you a little bit more perspective on what your essay should look like like I said this was just my personal take on the essay there's
a lot of different ways you can go especially with this prompt I wish you guys I
wish you guys the best of luck in the college application process
and realized that even if you do get rejected from your top
schools that you will end up somewhere where you can take advantage of every opportunity you're given college is what you make of it
so I wish you guys the best if you enjoyed this video if you
enjoyed this series if you'd like to see something similar in the future I know college applications are kind of died down but scholarship season is starting I don't
know if you have any ideas for that make sure to drop them down in the comments below and make sure to LIKE
the video if you if you even remotely enjoyed it I do a lot they help a lot more than you think if you're new make sure to subscribe you definitely won't regret it as always
I'll be back again in a couple days with another video see you next year [Music]